5 Ways to Make Them Remember You!

In the history of entrepreneurship there has never been a time where “individualism” has been more celebrated. More and more companies are reaching out to individuals like never before in terms of surveying and assessing their relevance and the success of their corporate brands. The personal tastes of individual consumers has garnered so much attention that in 2006 TIME magazine printed 6,965,000 copies of their magazine with a reflective Mylar cover naming “YOU” as the person of the year for 2006. This signified that when a person looked at the cover to see who the “person of the year” was, they saw themselves. With the current market shift of placing attention on the “individual”, it only makes sense that you have a personal brand that will help you to stand out. You are unique! There is not another person exactly like you on the planet.

As entrepreneurs, we are the CEO of your own company “YOU Inc.” and our most important job is to be the lead marketer for our companies. While we in most instances already have a corporate brand in place, we need to ensure our personal physical brand is stable enough to seal the deal as well. Think of this as putting the finishing touches on your brand package with a big pretty bow. Here are some helpful tips on how to create a package that makes “YOU Inc.” more memorable:

  1. Always wear a signature item – Find something that stands out from others around you and will bring positive attention to you. Use something such as a sparkled hair pin, a red scarf, your favorite shade of red lipstick, or maybe a pair of jeweled glasses. The key is to ensure that your outward fashion statement fits your personality and is the best representation of your brand.
  2. A Catch Phrase to Remember – Create a unique and catchy phrase that describes you and your brand. By doing so, you leave clients and prospects with something to remember you by.
  3. Here’s my card – Business cards are still in and are still very effective. Try using a different shape or an unusual color. Don’t forget to include the various ways you can be reached and most importantly a “Call to Action”. The secret is to be memorable.
  4. Become Your Own Fan – Find a unique keepsake such as a paper weight, or pen that you can you’re your logo on. This is a fun and easy way to promote your brand.
  5. Your John Hancock– Signing your name can become a brand as well as a logo. Practice writing your name in different ways and see what you come up with.

When implementing these 5 tips make sure to remember that the target is always your prospective client. The “YOU Inc.” brand must always be crafted from a perspective that is attractive them. The best brand always start with “YOU Inc.” but never forget that it ends with your clients.

If you are a female entrepreneur, author, coach or consultant and would like to know how to make yourself more memorable so that you can position your brand for more success, send an email to Tomesia@TomesiaIngram.com with “YOU Inc.” in the subject line.

For more information or to schedule a complimentary 15 minute strategy session please email Tomesia at Tomesia@TomesiaIngram.com.

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