5 Keys To Making An Awesome First Impression For Your Brand


We’ve all heard the saying you never get a second chance to make a good first impression. When you think about it, there are many ways you make an impression. Your website, marketing materials, business cards, office space, verbal communication and even your personal image all make an impression? What kind of first impression does your brand make?

Guarding your brand image is a must. Even on a tight budget, any money spent on creating the right image is to your advantage.

The most influential area an entrepreneur can control is the impression made by your personal image. Poor grooming, inappropriate dress and lack of proper language are the kiss of death to a brand image. Even if you don’t have office space outside the home, when you come in contact with the public, you should always be neatly groomed.

What can you do as a small business owner to assure you make a good first impression? These five tips should help:

  1. Be sure all marketing materials with your brand name on it such as your website, marketing materials, and business cards have a consistent and professional image & feel including your logo and colors.
  2. Set guidelines for how you dress, speak and behave when networking or meeting with clients. Once these guidelines are established, make sure you abide by them.
  3. Develop customer service policies specifically designed to satisfy your clients, encourage repeat business and customer loyalty. It’s a lot easier to sell to existing clients than it is to find new ones.
  4. Gather feedback from clients about how your brand and your products/services are perceived. Surveys are an excellent way to collect information that can help you make significant improvements to your brand image. Just, make sure you act on the feedback you receive.
  5. Make sure you have a strategy to build your brand and monitor it online. Most of your current and prospective clients are present on social media in at least one network or another. You should be present in those same networks, participating in online discussions, building relationships and offering tips, help and advice whenever and wherever you can.

Great first impressions don’t happen by accident. As a small business owner you must be aggressive about creating the type of first impression you want to make and then making sure you are succeeding with every opportunity.

If you are a female entrepreneur, coach, author or consultant and would like assistance in creating an awesome first impression in your brand foundation to help you display your authentic personality, attract your ideal clients and position yourself for success, please schedule a Jump-Start Brand Strategy Session.

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Posted in Brand Image, Personal BrandingTagged , , ,


Katie O'Brien - posted on November 4, 2014 12:39 pm

Great post! I haven’t really thought about developing guidelines for my appearance before, I just put together what I think looks great. I love the idea of streamlining your look to stay consistent with your branding. Great tips!

Tomesia - posted on November 4, 2014 1:04 pm

Thanks Katie. I have come to discover that planning your appearance is something most people never think about. It plays such a Huge part in your brand messaging that I think it is critical that we incorporate it into our daily planning process as well. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Amanda - posted on November 4, 2014 4:37 pm

Great post! Creating a guideline for how you dress is so important. Even if I am spending the day in my home office I make it a point to change from my workout clothes into a real outfit complete with hair and makeup. Makes me feel polished and an extension of my brand.

Tomesia - posted on November 4, 2014 5:23 pm

That is wonderful Amanda. Your visual image not only has an impact on the way others see you but also on how you feel about yourself and then ultimately present yourself to others. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


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