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Have you wondered what makes a brand stick around? How can your brand stay relevant? How do you evolve your brand with changing times to ensure you stay on top of it all? And, most importantly, how does your brand avoid having an “expiration date”?
Use the checklist below to keep your brand in check:
1. Does your brand image look like it’s from 2008? It’s definitely time for a makeover. Your brand appearance should be updated consistently. Go ahead, give your brand a manicure, pedicure, and a haircut! (Or in other words, a change in layout, colors, logo and overall setup to keep it interesting.) Of course, if you have something considered to be your “signature” style, you definitely want to keep it or just only make very small updates to it. Even the smallest changes can make your website, blog, social media pages, marketing materials or logo look more cutting edge — the technology behind brands are in a constant state of evolution these days, so keep up.
2. Is your content out of date? As business owners, our audience looks to us to provide the most up to date information, products and services on a regular basis. If your audience is no longer responding to your brand it might be a sign that it’s time to generate more relevant content. The same goes for your personal image, if you are wearing items that are no longer in style or don’t properly represent your personality, it’ll be hard to move forward with your brand.
3. One of the main goals of your brand is to attract new ideal clients, while building a trusted and dependable reputation that keeps them coming back. Therefore, you should always be experimenting with new ideas and different ways to present your brand. One effective method is to make videos, or perhaps posting onto your social media profiles more often. Look for as many avenues as you can think of to reach more of your ideal audience then stay engaged with them in order to gain their trust and keep them hungry for more of what you have to offer!
4. Have a brand plan. What goals have you set for your brand? This week? This month? This year? Define what your goals are and set systems in place to make sure you meet them. Today companies no longer sell services and products, instead, clients buy them. And once your clients have bought your product or service, you must do everything possible to hang on to them. After all, you’ve investment a lot of time and money to gain that client right, why let them go?
5. Keep up with other brands. The best way to stay ahead of similar brands in your industry is to be aware of what they’re doing. Make sure you’re dropping in on other brands like yours at least once a week and take note of what they do and the changes they make. What works for them? Could that work for you? Can you find obvious ways to improve on what they are offering? I’m not condoning plagiarism or stealing ideas at all, but other brands can be a great source of inspiration. You can learn from your own mistakes, but sometimes you can learn better from what others are doing.
The internet is ever evolving, so as cutting edge brands we must keep evolving. As we become more advanced and knowledgeable, our brands should obviously reflect our ability to keep up with the market.