Use Your Sales Funnels To Create Focused Leads

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Let’s get down to the brass tacks. Just exactly how does a sales funnel help  you to qualify leads? Well, it’s pretty simple actually. Just take a few preliminary steps to turn your sales funnel into a lead qualifying machine. This will allow you to spend more time marketing to people who are actually interested in your products and services rather than chasing every rabbit down the trail. Here are some very simple things you can do.


Once a lead enters their contact information on your site, send them a short survey to fill out based on their interests. If they fill out the survey you have a huge indicator they are willing to make a purchase. If they don’t, they’re not quite ready for that much interaction so you need to nurture them.

Discovery Calls

This is very similar to the email survey, only you will use the telephone instead. The same principle applies here. If a lead does schedules a discovery session and does not show up for the scheduled call, they are probably not really interested in what you have to offer. Again, if they do show up, that’s all you need to know right there. Prioritize them as high and make the sale. You may not actually make the sale on that call but a little bit of nurturing after the call will usually lead to a sale.

Online Presentations

This could be a webinar on Zoom, or a livestream presentation via Facebook Live, Instagram Live or Periscope. If a lead is willing to participate in an online demonstration of your product or service, put them as a high-priority lead. That’s a huge green light for an upsell to a larger purchase. You are probably going to have a sale in your future and a customer for life. These are all great reasons why it is imperative for you to have a sales funnel for your online business. To begin creating one, simply take a look at your existing marketing process.

Ask yourself questions like:

  • What types of steps did our current customers take before they went from being a lead to a prospect to a sale?
  • What type of experience did they have?
  • How long was it before they converted?
  • How can we improve this process?

These are great questions you can use to craft a sales funnel that delivers. Your funnel will then weed out casually interested parties from solid prospects. This is pure gold and is absolutely essential for your online business to thrive. Remember, generating a sustainable passive income is your goal after all! Taking the time to create a great sales funnel is a worthwhile investment.

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Posted in Lead Generation, Sales Funnels

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