Author: Tomesia

6 Mistakes Successful Launchers Know To Avoid
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Launch Launch Offer Launch Strategy Planning
Anyone who has ever launched a new product will tell you, it’s definitely not enough to just show up and start marketing your launch offering and actually expect things to work out; most launches die out pretty quickly or slowly flop, which leads to a lot of lost time and money.
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Leak Your Launch Content for Better Pre-Launch Engagement
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Launch Launch Offer Launch Strategy Marketing
Launching a new product or service isn’t just about selling. It’s about attracting your ideal clients and getting them interested. Instead of going for the hard sell, one of the best ways to get people to buy is to provide them with great content.
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5 Simple Secrets for Boosting Anticipation For Your Launch
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Launch Brand Strategy Creativity Launch Offer Launch Profits Marketing Planning
The process of building anticipation for your launch is arguably one of the most important aspects of launching. How can you get your audience so excited about your launch offer that they’re literally waiting for the doors to open so they can whip out their credit card? Here we have five secrets of building anticipation for your launch that should help.
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Building an Irresistible Launch Offer
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Launch Launch Offer
Building an Irresistible Launch Offer
Your offer, more than anything else, is what will determine how successful your product launch is. The more “good stuff” your audience receives (or feels they get) from your product or service, the more likely they are to buy. It’s your job to structure your launch offering so they really get a sense that they are going to get a more than they pay for by crafting an irresistible offer for your launch.
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Buzz Building Strategies For A Profitable Launch
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Launch Marketing Planning
One of the best things you can do to aid in the success of your launch is to make sure your marketing efforts are in alignment with who we are. Some of the most popular marketing tactics used by just about everyone in the online marketing space are webinars and video series….the question to ask yourself is that if everyone else is using these strategies, how are you stand out and getting your brand noticed?
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