Believe to Attract Prosperity as an Entrepreneur

Photo Credit: Denise A. Wells |

As an entrepreneur what you believe plays a major role in how you show up, serve, and prosper.

Your beliefs,  and opinions give shape to the success of your business, bringing forth the large amounts of information and overwhelming amount of stimulation you receive every moment. As many of the modern day self-mastery gurus have advised us over the last few years, negative or limiting beliefs tend to close down possibilities, narrow our vision of the future, and put a lid on progress. There has been much written (and many fortunes built) on learning how to identify and eliminate limiting beliefs.

But, what about positive beliefs? Yes it is important to notice and work through your limiting beliefs, but, it’s also important to know and take a stand for what you “have to believe,” to be proactive about what gets you out of bed in the morning, sparks your vision, fuels your choices, and instills the spirit of entrepreneurship.

A “have to belief” is understanding in a way that resonates so deeply with your sense of purpose, and service that you willingly embrace it and arrange all your choices to compliment it. A “have to belief” is one that you hold with conscious commitment and self-reflective awareness, knowing that it is a belief (not a fact) and being responsible for the ways this belief awards your life with meaning, purpose, and focus.

There is no absolute, verifiable, objective third-party system that can prove a “have to belief.” Instead you learn to hold these beliefs as a skilled tennis player holds a racquet: with a loose-and-tight grip that responds to both inner promptings and encounters with the physical world.

It is important to hold a “have to belief” loosely enough to remember that you don’t have the right to impose your belief on other people. In this loose-enough grip, there is still room to question, challenge, and evolve what you “have to believe” as you learn and grow.

At the same time, it is important to hold a “have to belief” tightly and firmly enough that it can order your experience (without shutting down awareness of other possibilities) and provide emotional and spiritual sustenance.

So what does this have to do with being open for business and your prosperity as an entrepreneur? In my view, everything. Every day you encounter in yourself or in your clients situations that you cannot rise to without an adequate belief system. It is not enough to deconstruct our limiting beliefs. In order to constantly craft a meaningful and functional definition of success and to chart or re-chart your course, it is imperative that you become responsible for what you have to believe and how you are believing it.

Here are a few “have to beliefs” that generally show up in working with entrepreneurs, small business owners, authors, and artists. Try them on for size. Notice that a “have to belief” does not need to battle with reality.

  • I have to believe that people can take care of themselves, and I know that sometimes they cannot.
  • I have to believe that my thriving and prosperity will not necessitate someone else’s suffering, and I know that sometimes it might.
  • I have to believe that being a good steward for my business will help me show up and serve more successfully.
  • I have to believe that I can afford to act in my client’s best interest, even if it means that I will earn less income.
  • I have to believe that prosperity is attractive to the people I want to work with.
  • I have to believe that there are plenty of people for whom my work is a perfect match that can and will value my offerings enough to pay for them.
  • I have to believe that mistakes are the compost for future success, and I know that this includes picking up after myself and making amends for my errors.

“Have to beliefs” are beliefs you choose because they make you stronger, wiser, smarter, kinder, more resilient, and more successful. They challenge you to be bigger, more creative, and bolder. And for every “have to belief” a new world of action is revealed.

What do you “have to believe” in order to show up, serve, and prosper as a successful entrepreneur?

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