Signs: The Ultimate Sales Tool for Branding in Local Markets
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Identity Brand Management Marketing
A well-designed signage program can instantly and effectively communicate the style, professionalism and overall presence of your business, it conveys to people who you are, where you are and what you do.
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Read MoreBrand Exposure: Three Times in Seven Days
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Management
Society is flooded with so much advertising that we face the danger of not being noticed by our prospective customers. Will your customers know who you are without an ad staring them in the face to remind them?
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Read MoreBe True To “YOU”
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Integrity Branding Marketing
If your online marketing materials stimulate an image in your mind that is just not you, likely you’ve been trying to model your approach after someone else or you’ve been using work produced by someone else without giving them the benefit of knowing you, learning your approach, sharing your ideas and interjecting your personality into your marketing materials.
So, what’s the solution?
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Read MoreYour Word Is Your Brand
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Integrity Branding
Even though we have all heard the saying “Your actions speak louder than your words”, many people still don’t understand the values of that statement, especially when you are in business. One of the most important aspects of building and keeping the trust of your clients and prospects is your ability to “Do” what you “Say”.
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Read MoreWord of Mouth Marketing As A Brand Strategy
Tomesia 1 Comment Brand Strategy Branding Marketing Social Media Marketing
Word of Mouth Marketing
There’s probably no more effective branding strategy in existence than word of mouth marketing. However, only a few people realize its actual potential in helping you build a successful business and branding system. What could be better than having real people talk others into doing business with you. It is a common thing for people to talk about a recent product or service that they were satisfied or had good experiences with.
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