Many people are becoming aware of the fact that branding is much more than product recognition, a website or a simple logo. It is the overall intellectual and emotional impression people perceive of you when they think of your company and its product or service. It is the strong and consistent message about the value of your business.
A main objective of a memorable and trustworthy brand is to reinforce customer loyalty. It helps them remember that your business provides the perfect solution to their problems. Therefore, to succeed in branding you must build a relationship with your customers and understand their needs and issues.
Brand building is an ongoing business strategy that has an easy-to-measure cost in time, money, and effort. On the other hand, it’s value is harder to establish because it involves measuring emotional associations that may not immediately translate into revenue. Branding is an essential element of success in business, and it should be reinforced during times when business is booming and when it’s slow. You want current and potential customers to maintain a positive association with your company and its services.
You have total control of the messages you send out via marketing (both online and offline), advertising, and customer service. Branding is a combination of everything your company uses to present itself. Here are a few key elements to enhance your branding strategy:
1. Professionally designed marketing materials (logo, stationery, ads, etc.): These elements (when designed properly) signal a strong, successful, and credible company. Your marketing materials should reinforce your company’s image and positioning over and over again.
2. Consistency in marketing: Develop a tagline that sums up your company mission in a short phrase – and use it! Develop a campaign that can provide different messages, but is easily recognized as part of your brand.
3. Excellent customer service – always! Make sure you and your entire staff positively represents your business image at all times.
4. A professional, client attractive website: It must be easy for viewers to navigate and understand. It should let visitors know what your company does and why they should care, and provide a call to action for all visitors. Provide compelling, easy-to-understand, and interesting content. Make it easy for visitors to make purchases.
5. Differentiate your brand: Make sure your current and potential customers clearly understand why you are different from the competition. You want to establish a superior benefit with your target audience that encourages them to select you and provides long-term loyalty.
Branding is about the perception your customers have about you and your business, not what you say about your company and its products or services. In order to strengthen your brand, make sure you are able to answer the following questions: What do you do that is different than everyone else? Why are you important to your customers? If you aren’t able to answer these questions, you don’t have a clear and effective brand.
ACTION ITEM: Take a good look at your company and the strengths of the products and/or services you provide. Determine your primary strengths and benefits and then make sure your branding strategy (website, social media channels, marketing materials, advertising, sales, customer services, logo, etc.) reinforces this. Having these elements in place will ensure for a well oiled machine that consistently attracts ideal clients and increased income.