Category: Brand Integrity

How To Stay Focused On Your Goals During Thanksgiving
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Attributes Brand Integrity Personal Branding
On average, we will consume more than 4,500 calories and 229 grams of fat during Thanksgiving Day.
Yes, believe me I totally understand how delicious the turkey is, your Momma’s pie, and that Martha Stewart sweet potato recipe, but listen, those calories can quickly turn into excess pounds if you aren’t careful.
What does this have to do with personal branding? Everything.
When you know you are not feeling and looking your best, you shy away from your true potential. When your suit feels extra tight, you feel self-conscious and your clients will notice. You can’t rock your brand in 2015 if you are feeling guilty from splurging during the holiday season.
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Aligning Your Inner Worth to Create Brand Prosperity
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Attributes Brand Integrity
Sometimes being in business is uncomfortable.
You have to put Your face and Your name out there.
It can feel like your business almost represents your worth as a person. If you aren’t getting hired it can feel like you’re not worthy of being hired.
This is where so much of our discomfort comes from: You want to align your business with your inner worth, but you don’t always feel worthy. Continue reading “Aligning Your Inner Worth to Create Brand Prosperity”
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Branding, Relationships, Engagement, and How it All Works Together
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Integrity Brand Management Brand Strategy
Building a brand can be just like dating.
You know how dating goes: there is some initial courting, getting to know each other, see if you can benefit each other’s lives long-term. To woo someone, you would never just go on one date and say that is enough, you have to continue to talk to each other.
Branding and customer engagement are no different. You can’t get customers and clients to buy from you until you create context and a relationship with them. You can’t simply just explain what you do and expect them to hire you right away, instead you have to do a little business courting. Continue reading “Branding, Relationships, Engagement, and How it All Works Together”
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Fifteen Minute Fix to Ending Procrastination
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Integrity Personal Branding
How often do you procrastinate on important tasks? Don’t you wish you could just get to work and complete everything on your plate? If you are suffering from persistent procrastination, you may wonder if you will ever be able to get anything done. Rest assured that even though you may be a procrastinator you can reign in your tendency to put things off and start accomplishing your goals.
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Read MoreQuotes to Inspire Female Entrepreneurs
Tomesia 4 Comments Brand Integrity Brand Strategy
Being an entrepreneur can be an amazing adventure; similar to a roller coaster ride. You’ll have days where nothing seems to go your way and other days where everything from your client relationships to your bank account and your family relationships goes exceptionally well. I’m sure you can relate. It’s easy to stay motivated and on track when all things are in alignment and you feel a sense of fulfillment. But what about those days when you find it hard to be productive, creative and motivated to continue moving forward.
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