Category: Brand Management

Branding, Relationships, Engagement, and How it All Works Together
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Integrity Brand Management Brand Strategy
Building a brand can be just like dating.
You know how dating goes: there is some initial courting, getting to know each other, see if you can benefit each other’s lives long-term. To woo someone, you would never just go on one date and say that is enough, you have to continue to talk to each other.
Branding and customer engagement are no different. You can’t get customers and clients to buy from you until you create context and a relationship with them. You can’t simply just explain what you do and expect them to hire you right away, instead you have to do a little business courting. Continue reading “Branding, Relationships, Engagement, and How it All Works Together”
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5 Tips To Keep Your Brand Relevant
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Management Brand Strategy
Have you wondered what makes a brand stick around? How can your brand stay relevant? How do you evolve your brand with changing times to ensure you stay on top of it all? And, most importantly, how does your brand avoid having an “expiration date”?
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Read MoreBe Wise in Choosing Your Circle of Influence
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Management Personal Branding
It’s a well known fact that the five people you spend the most time with will directly influence your life, from your happiness level, to your health and weight, to your actual income level? Studies have shown that your circle of influence has a penetrating effect on your success. With this in mind, it is critically important that you be mindful of who you allow to be around you on a daily basis. Who is in your circle of influence? The people you choose to be around just might make a huge difference in your ability to reach your goals.
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Read MoreYour Most Valuable Business Asset: Your Health
Tomesia 2 Comments Brand Management Health & Fitness Personal Branding Resources for Women
Far too often our health is taken for granted. When we were our teens and twenties, it was common for us to not even think about health issues or to neglect proper nutrition, exercise and sleep. As we get older, this neglect usually catches up to us, resulting in declining health.
Unfortunately by the time your health declines, it’s often too late to recover. Poor health will rob you of energy, quality of life, and eventually your business. As entrepreneurs, we can’t afford to neglect our health.
Continue reading “Your Most Valuable Business Asset: Your Health”