Category: Creativity

5 Simple Secrets for Boosting Anticipation For Your Launch
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Launch Brand Strategy Creativity Launch Offer Launch Profits Marketing Planning
The process of building anticipation for your launch is arguably one of the most important aspects of launching. How can you get your audience so excited about your launch offer that they’re literally waiting for the doors to open so they can whip out their credit card? Here we have five secrets of building anticipation for your launch that should help.
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Personality Does Matter
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Attributes Brand Identity Brand Strategy Branding Creativity
Whether you like it or not, every business has it’s own personality. It can be formal, traditional, hip or an array of other styles. The reality is that for most businesses, this brand personality is underutilized or extremely boring. A large part of this problem stems from trying to fit in with current trends. When you blend in with the rest of your market, what leverage do you then have to differentiate yourself and start attracting your ideal clients? Actually how do they see you at all amongst the sea of your competition? Continue reading “Personality Does Matter”
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6 Ways to Access Your Creative Genius
Tomesia 2 Comments Branding Creativity Planning
We all have the ability to think creatively. It’s learning how to do it that matters.
Here are 6 ways you can instantly unlock your natural creativity and create success on your terms.
1. Think Like A Child. As adults we tend to think more conditionally in order to show how clever we are. But, as children, we were spontaneous and a lot more creative in our thinking. To re-capture your childhood curiosity, allow yourself to just wonder at things, to be completely present in the here and now, and to detach yourself from what you thought was real.
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Read MoreA Healthy Body Fuels Creativity
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Attributes Creativity
As entrepreneurs in the creative flow, we often forget about taking care of our bodies, because our minds are exploding with color, sounds, words and images. But, if you allow unhealthy habits to rob your body of its strength and vitality, your creativity and productivity will be stolen as well.
What is more frustrating than having your creative flow interrupted by an annoying headache, back spasm or brain freeze (loss of creativity)?
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