The Most Important Question About Creating Personal Brand Media

Do these phrases sound familiar?

“Build your brand.”
“You’re a media company.”
“Get on social media.”

Yes, many people say this, but do they ever answer the most obvious question: “Why?

The simple answer is that the “why” can be different for everyone.

Think of your personal brand media as something that can help solve a problem. The problem could be considered small, such as just blogging to let your friends know what you’re up to, or it could be large and trying to tackle something like world hunger. Either way, the point of personal brand media is to help serve others.

Here are some ideas to start you on your personal brand media journey:

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How To Stay Focused On Your Goals During Thanksgiving

On average, we will consume more than 4,500 calories and 229 grams of fat during Thanksgiving Day.

Yes, believe me I totally understand how delicious the turkey is, your Momma’s pie, and that Martha Stewart sweet potato recipe, but listen, those calories can quickly turn into excess pounds if you aren’t careful.

What does this have to do with personal branding? Everything.

When you know you are not feeling and looking your best, you shy away from your true potential. When your suit feels extra tight, you feel self-conscious and your clients will notice. You can’t rock your brand in 2015 if you are feeling guilty from splurging during the holiday season.

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5 Keys To Making An Awesome First Impression For Your Brand


We’ve all heard the saying you never get a second chance to make a good first impression. When you think about it, there are many ways you make an impression. Your website, marketing materials, business cards, office space, verbal communication and even your personal image all make an impression? What kind of first impression does your brand make?

Guarding your brand image is a must. Even on a tight budget, any money spent on creating the right image is to your advantage. Continue reading “5 Keys To Making An Awesome First Impression For Your Brand”

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Outward Display of Your Inner Brand

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Do you ever feel like people just don’t get you when they meet you?

You try everything you can to make a good first impression, but you get the sense that they aren’t absolutely floored by how amazing you are. They give you a vague answer about a possible follow up, and you wonder how you could make them see how great you are instantly instead of later on. Continue reading “Outward Display of Your Inner Brand”

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Fifteen Minute Fix to Ending Procrastination

How often do you procrastinate on important tasks? Don’t you wish you could just get to work and complete everything on your plate? If you are suffering from persistent procrastination, you may wonder if you will ever be able to get anything done. Rest assured that even though you may be a procrastinator you can reign in your tendency to put things off and start accomplishing your goals.

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