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Do you ever feel like people just don’t get you when they meet you?
You try everything you can to make a good first impression, but you get the sense that they aren’t absolutely floored by how amazing you are. They give you a vague answer about a possible follow up, and you wonder how you could make them see how great you are instantly instead of later on.
While completing my degree in Fashion Merchandising from the Art Institute, I was able to see the unique correlation between how a woman dressed and how others perceived her. The more a woman knew and accepted who she was on the inside, the more she was able to express that on the outside, making everyone aware of her personality and uniqueness right away.
Rachel Zoe said it perfectly: “Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.”
Another name for your personal style is your branding. You have probably put a lot of attention to getting your branding colors for your website just right, but have you also thought about what your hair, skin, nails, clothing, shoes and accessories say about your personal brand?
I’m not just simply talking about fashion and trends. Like Coco Chanel famously said, “Fashion fades, only style remains the same.” Some colors are hot one minute and out of date the next. One year it’s high heels and one year it’s flat shoes. What I’m talking about is bringing the essence of who you are out for the world to see.
Of course, for some people that can be a little scary since it feels like you are putting your whole personality on display, but it’s time for you to own who you are and what you’re about.
Where do you begin to find your personal style?
Understand your outer brand comes from within. You can get inspiration from others, but always understand at the end of the day that you are unique and will have your own personal style.
If you follow these tips you will start to notice that your first impressions won’t ever be bland again.
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