Tag: Brand Identity
5 Ways to Make Them Remember You!
Tomesia 0 Comments Personal Branding
In the history of entrepreneurship there has never been a time where “individualism” has been more celebrated. More and more companies are reaching out to individuals like never before in terms of surveying and assessing their relevance and the success of their corporate brands. The personal tastes of individual consumers has garnered so much attention that in 2006 TIME magazine printed 6,965,000 copies of their magazine with a reflective Mylar cover naming “YOU” as the person of the year for 2006. This signified that when a person looked at the cover to see who the “person of the year” was, they saw themselves. With the current market shift of placing attention on the “individual”, it only makes sense that you have a personal brand that will help you to stand out. You are unique! There is not another person exactly like you on the planet.
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Read MoreHave You Been Branded?
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Management Social Media Marketing
The personal brand you project affects others’ decisions as to your intelligence, character and ability, and determines whether or not they want to do business with you. The way you dress (and act) has a remarkable impact on the people you meet professionally and socially. This greatly affects how they treat you.
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Read MoreThe Loyalty Factor
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Integrity Brand Management
What exactly is a brand? It’s a question that has confounded the academics for decades and eluded the most erudite of scholars. So, coming from the trenches of the real world of branding, we’ve defined the term and given it a comprehensive meaning..
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Read MoreBusiness Branding Strategies and Tips
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Identity Brand Management Branding
Employing proper business branding strategies could spell success for your business. Although it might be an intangible aspect of your business, it is basically what convinces people to buy or experience your products or services. And when you garner enough sales, only then can your business thrive.
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Read MoreSay it With Color
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Identity
Have you ever considered the importance of color in your brand? Color plays a huge role in memory recall. It stimulates all the senses, instantly conveying a message like no other communication method.
Choosing the right dominant color for your business brand is crucial. This color should appear on all your promotional material. Following is the most common impression each color conveys:
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