Tag: Brand Management
Boost Your Confidence in Ten Easy Steps
Tomesia 2 Comments Brand Attributes Personal Branding
Do you know what it means to be confident? Being self-assured plays a part. If you’re looking for ways that will help change the way you live, here are ten action steps you can start doing today.
Confidence and Self-Esteem
Confidence is created and self-esteem is injected. Throughout life, there will always be people who tell you things about yourself. It could be your parents telling you that you are intelligent and capable of doing whatever you set your mind to.
These type of words of encouragement work to build your self-esteem, which is how you think others see you. The ability to gain the respect of others is a huge factor in self-esteem.
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Read MoreIs It Time for a Lifestyle Makeover?
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Attributes Personal Branding
It’s easy for all of us to become stuck in a rut from time to time. One advantage you have, especially now, is the ability to change your situations. You can give yourself a lifestyle makeover and change the way things are going in your life. In just a few easy steps you can simplify your life and get back to living your life on your terms.
What are the major signs that you need a lifestyle makeover? Stress, anxiety, and being overwhelmed usually top most people’s list for signs that things aren’t quite working out the way that they want. If you’re frustrated and feeling like your life is going nowhere, you are in need of a lifestyle makeover. Regardless of what your goals are, making your life simpler can be a great way to start fresh. Here are five easy and simple ways to makeover your life.
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Read MoreBe Wise in Choosing Your Circle of Influence
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Management Personal Branding
It’s a well known fact that the five people you spend the most time with will directly influence your life, from your happiness level, to your health and weight, to your actual income level? Studies have shown that your circle of influence has a penetrating effect on your success. With this in mind, it is critically important that you be mindful of who you allow to be around you on a daily basis. Who is in your circle of influence? The people you choose to be around just might make a huge difference in your ability to reach your goals.
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Read MoreTwitter 101 for Your Business Brand
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Management Brand Strategy Social Media Marketing
Why are you on Twitter?
Twitter is a great tool to build connections with like-minded and relevant people from all over the world who are share information on topics related to your business or interests. In order to get the most out of Twitter – consider doing the following …
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Read MoreReady, Aim…Who’s Your Target?
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Identity Brand Management Brand Strategy Branding
In order to build awareness of your brand online it is mandatory that you hone in on the exact people that will be most interested in what you have to offer. You should also make sure they have the money to spend on your product or service. An awful amount of time and energy will be wasted in marketing to people that either aren’t interested or that are not financially positioned to purchase from you.
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