Tag: Effective Business Strategies

Branding, Relationships, Engagement, and How it All Works Together
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Integrity Brand Management Brand Strategy
Building a brand can be just like dating.
You know how dating goes: there is some initial courting, getting to know each other, see if you can benefit each other’s lives long-term. To woo someone, you would never just go on one date and say that is enough, you have to continue to talk to each other.
Branding and customer engagement are no different. You can’t get customers and clients to buy from you until you create context and a relationship with them. You can’t simply just explain what you do and expect them to hire you right away, instead you have to do a little business courting. Continue reading “Branding, Relationships, Engagement, and How it All Works Together”
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Personality Does Matter
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Attributes Brand Identity Brand Strategy Branding Creativity
Whether you like it or not, every business has it’s own personality. It can be formal, traditional, hip or an array of other styles. The reality is that for most businesses, this brand personality is underutilized or extremely boring. A large part of this problem stems from trying to fit in with current trends. When you blend in with the rest of your market, what leverage do you then have to differentiate yourself and start attracting your ideal clients? Actually how do they see you at all amongst the sea of your competition? Continue reading “Personality Does Matter”
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6 Ways to Access Your Creative Genius
Tomesia 2 Comments Branding Creativity Planning
We all have the ability to think creatively. It’s learning how to do it that matters.
Here are 6 ways you can instantly unlock your natural creativity and create success on your terms.
1. Think Like A Child. As adults we tend to think more conditionally in order to show how clever we are. But, as children, we were spontaneous and a lot more creative in our thinking. To re-capture your childhood curiosity, allow yourself to just wonder at things, to be completely present in the here and now, and to detach yourself from what you thought was real.
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Read MoreBrandMix Tidbit: Surround Yourself with a Quality Network
Tomesia 0 Comments BrandMix Tidbits
Make the decision today to surround yourself with people who challenge you to bring out your best stuff. If you are not actively increasing your network of supportive people, you are not serious about increasing your Net Worth! GET SERIOUS…who will you add to your network of quality people this week that can help you take your life and income to the next level?
Quotes to Inspire Female Entrepreneurs
Tomesia 4 Comments Brand Integrity Brand Strategy
Being an entrepreneur can be an amazing adventure; similar to a roller coaster ride. You’ll have days where nothing seems to go your way and other days where everything from your client relationships to your bank account and your family relationships goes exceptionally well. I’m sure you can relate. It’s easy to stay motivated and on track when all things are in alignment and you feel a sense of fulfillment. But what about those days when you find it hard to be productive, creative and motivated to continue moving forward.
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