Tag: Personal Brand

Personality Does Matter
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Attributes Brand Identity Brand Strategy Branding Creativity
Whether you like it or not, every business has it’s own personality. It can be formal, traditional, hip or an array of other styles. The reality is that for most businesses, this brand personality is underutilized or extremely boring. A large part of this problem stems from trying to fit in with current trends. When you blend in with the rest of your market, what leverage do you then have to differentiate yourself and start attracting your ideal clients? Actually how do they see you at all amongst the sea of your competition? Continue reading “Personality Does Matter”
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BrandMix Tidbit: Personal Branding – a Luxury or Necessity?
Tomesia 0 Comments BrandMix Tidbits
As an entrepreneur, it can be easy to look at “personal branding” as a luxury and put it off until you have “extra” money. I have come to realize that not only is it a necessary but it’s also a “must have” investment.
As the CEO, you are the lead spokesperson for your company. Your employees, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders all look to you to personify your brand. Everywhere you go and everything you do says something about your company and its brand.
It’s not a question of whether or not you will be a brand, branding is your life and you are a brand. The question is will be a brand by design, or by default. Your personal brand is actually built from the inside out. It is the essence of who you are. It is your personal values and belief system and how you express them to others.
To make sure the essence of your brand is being communicated at all levels, ask others close to you to describe you with one word. Look for consistencies. This is what defines your personal brand and how others perceive you. Is it a reputation that would make someone feel inspired to work with you?
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BrandMix Tidbit: Me Inc. I am the Brand
Tomesia 0 Comments BrandMix Tidbits
As women entrepreneurs today, one of our most important assignments is to learn to be comfortable in becoming the lead marketer of the brand called “YOU”. Your personal brand is all about combining your unique gifts, skill sets, strengths and personality traits and packaging them into a solid brand.
You are unique and there isn’t any other person in business, be they in the same market you are in or a different market, that is exactly like you.
We are living in a new age of “Celebrity” marketing where individualism is being celebrated putting us in position to be our own news reporter. In 2006 TIME magazine named “You” as the person of the year and printed 6,965,000 copies of their magazine with a reflective mirror on the cover. Their idea was that when the reader picked up the magazine and looked at the cover they would see a reflection of themselves.
It only makes sense to have a brand built around “YOU”. After all, who else can market you better than you?
Read MoreIs It Time for a Lifestyle Makeover?
Tomesia 0 Comments Brand Attributes Personal Branding
It’s easy for all of us to become stuck in a rut from time to time. One advantage you have, especially now, is the ability to change your situations. You can give yourself a lifestyle makeover and change the way things are going in your life. In just a few easy steps you can simplify your life and get back to living your life on your terms.
What are the major signs that you need a lifestyle makeover? Stress, anxiety, and being overwhelmed usually top most people’s list for signs that things aren’t quite working out the way that they want. If you’re frustrated and feeling like your life is going nowhere, you are in need of a lifestyle makeover. Regardless of what your goals are, making your life simpler can be a great way to start fresh. Here are five easy and simple ways to makeover your life.
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